Bubba started life as part of a litter of Tonkinese born in September 1988 in Corpus Christi Texas. He and his brother Buford both had kinked tails. That eliminated their show value, so they were abandoned on the steps of the apartment in which we lived. The ir cuteness drowned out my fear of having any more pets (my beloved cat Snarf had died about a year before). They took ownership of us and moved into the apartment with us.
They became a part of our lives and moved with us to Arizona. In 1992, Buford contracted peritonitis and died soon thereafter. B ubba made the rather difficult adaptation to losing his brother and his constant feline companion.
Bubba, Barbara and I travelled back to Oregon together in 1995. Change was a depressing experience for him. After the move, Barb ara found him huddled in her bathroom wash basin. Fotunately, he adapted and enjoyed his new home immensely. He was our constant companion and my best friend.
Bubba would look forward to sunny days to go "outside" and "explore" (escorted of course). The magic word "dish" would ennervate him to hasten downstairs to his wet food plate. He knew the word "snuggle" and embraced its meaning. He slept under "Mommy's" left arm and on "Daddy's" stomach. He was my alarm clock, signalling both bedtime and time to "explore" in the morning. If we couldn't find him next to us at night, he was at one of our feet.
Over the last few weeks he became less and less energetic. On Sunday afternoon, he laid down on the floor and cried. He seemed l istless, and we took him to the Veternary Hospital on Tuesday. The diagnosis was incurable cancer which had spread through his abdominal ar ea. Tonight at 6:10, he laid down for the last time as he was put to sleep. He lived 16 years, which is a long time for a cat (although Ton ks sometimes go to 22 years). He had a good life and rarely went for more than a few hours without being cuddled or petted.
An obituary chronicles the individual's contribution to the world, and this is true no less with a cat as with a human. Bubba br ought us companionship in times of emptiness and solace in times of depression. He brought comfort during the illnesses and losses we exper ienced in the last 16 years. He was always there for us. He was my best friend. We will miss him deeply. He will remain irreplaceable forever.